• Transfer your whole photo library all at once.
  • Export photos to computer, saving more free space.
  • Import photos from PC/Mac, without erasing original library.
  • Display full-screen photo slideshow automatically or manually.

Download PhotoTrans100% Clean | Version: 1.5.0 | Size: 5.30 MB
Runs on all Windows and Mac platforms


One License for both PhotoTrans for Mac / Windows | No Free Upgrade or Support

"Thanks to the batch process we can move the device library in only one time"
- Mário Sousa

"PhotoTrans を使えば、iOS に入っている写真の管理がより簡単に、自由におこなえるようになります。"
- inali

- Hiroshi Nakazato

- 小泉

- X-Force

- 山田

"PhotoTransはiPhone/iPad/iPod touchとMacの間ですべての写真を転送するアプリです。"
- mojo

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