The first thing you have to do is to check out whether the iPhone is reported stolen or lost if you want to buy a second-hand iPhone. Well, how to check if the iPhone is stolen? Scroll down, you’ll figure it out.
The iPhone seller would not tell you the used iPhone was stolen from somewhere or show you any problems of the second-hand iPhone. So if the iPhone was stolen or lost and the old iPhone user reported the stolen iPhone to the carrier, the carrier would shut the iPhone cellar network. The iPhone won’t work until the original user unlocks the stolen iPhone. Therefore, you may test it which works so well at the very first, but if the iPhone was stolen and the user had reported it, it won’t work later. It would be a great waste of money. Therefore, it is very necessary to check the status of the second-hand iPhone.
Do you know how to check whether the iPhone was reported stolen or lost? First off, get the IMEI number. Then, check the number through the CTIA-The Wireless Association to figure out whether the used iPhone was reported stolen or lost. Keep reading, and you can know the details.
Apple gives her each product a unique number which you can get from iPhone device settings, the device packaging, the back of the iPhone and also you may dial *#06# to get the number. For some devices, you can find the serial number on the SIM tray.
1. If you already have this iPhone, you can turn on the iPhone>Settings>General>Aboutto gets the IMEI number.
Get IMEI Number with Setting
2. If you already have the device, you may use the iPhone and dial *#06#. Then you can get the serial number.
Get IMEI Number with *#06#
3. Some iPhone also has an IMEI number on SIM tray, you can get it by taking out the SIM card slot.
Get IMEI Number on SIM Tray
4. If the seller could provide all original stuff, you can also get the IMEI number from the device original packaging.
Get IMEI Number from Original Packaging
5. If you already have the iPhone, and some iPhone models could show the IMEI number on the back of the iPhone.
IMEI Number on the Back of iPhone
It is so important for the buyer to check the IMEI number because you can get the used iPhone’s details from the result, like what the iPhone model is, whether it was reported stolen or lost. If the iPhone was stolen and had been reported to the carrier, the iPhone would not get into the network since then. When you got the iPhone IMEI number and you should go to Stolen Phone Checker, enter the IMEI number and tap the “Submit” to get the details.
Check A Device in Stolen Phone Checker
As known to all, getting a used iPhone will not cost you lots of money to enjoy Apple’s service and the security of iOS. Well, it is also important to check if the iPhone was reported stolen or lost before you purchase a second-hand iPhone. It is necessary to make sure the iPhone is clean and operable. If not, it would be a great waste of money and also an annoying mess. Also, to reuse something old would be friendly to our environment. The post is definitely not supported people to buy a stolen iPhone but stands for reusing an old nice iPhone.
Moreover, once you get a second-hand fine iPhone, you may also check if it is out of iCloud. Let the old user clean all his stuff out of the iPhone and log out of his iCloud, finally reset to factory settings before using it. Well, if you have any other advice about this topic, please share it in the comments.
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